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I am a beginner gardener. Can you be my garden coach?Yes! Click on the "Order Online" page to select the program for you!
I live in a different state. Can you be my garden coach?Yes! Click on the "Order Online" page to select the program right for you!
Are there free resources out there to help me garden on my own?Yes! Visit our Bearfruit Gardening YouTube Channel and check out your local EXTENSION OFFICE, the old farmer's almanac, Google, and YouTube for other free resources, classes, and topical disscussions about vegetable/herb gardening.
Are flowers important to have in my vegetable/herb garden?Yes! Flowers such as zinnias, mexican sunflowers, black-eyed susans, and other cornflower varities signal the pollinators for dinner! Although I'm not an expert flower gardener, I do believe adding a few to your vegetable/herb garden only enhances your gardening experience.
I've been gardening for years, but can you be my coach?"Yes! There are just some things we haven't learned yet, aren't confident in, or that you may grow for the first time. I'll do my best to help you along the way. Click the "Order Online" page to select the program that's best for you!
Can you help me learn how to compost and make my soil healthy?Yes! Composting really is a simple, easy method to implement in your garden. There's so many different ways to compost and build your soil at the same time! Click the "Order Online" page to select the coaching program that's best for you!
Are your coaching services available for community groups?Yes! Please click the "Contact Us" button so you can email me directly to inquire about pricing and other details.

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